Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Favourite Subject

One of the things more interesting for me about the animal is his behaviour, this is essencial for understand his way of life.
My favourite subjet is "Animal Behaviour".

Animal Behavior concerns the study of the distinctive features of a particular group and how they evolve to survive it.
This subject is really interesting, with this studies you can understand every behaviour about every animal, for strangely enough. For me is really atractive analyze the actions in the wild life of animals. His way of reproduction, as they feed, care for their offspring, they adapt and survive against a hostile environment. I love it. That simply excites me and keep all my attention.

Another reason is that is absolutely necesary for any career area you want to specialize. It is the basis of animal life, and for serving the patient well is necessary to know their behavior.

Our teacher in Animal Behaviour is Rigoberto Solis. The class consist in that the teacher speack with slides the matter. Personally, the subjet is really interesting but the teacher do not have the correct way to teach. It is boring and few didactic. And his voice is so low and quiet so I usually fall sleep.

1 comment:

Miss said...

One of the WO things more interesting for me about the animal is WW his behaviour, this is SP essencial forWF understand WW his way of life.
My favourite subjet is "Animal Behaviour".

Animal Behavior concerns the study of the distinctive features of a particular group and how they evolve to survive it.
This subject is really interesting, with WF this studies you can understand every behaviour about every animal, for strangely enough. For me is really atractive analyze the actions in the wild life of animals. WW His way of reproduction, as they feed, care for their offspring, they adapt and survive against a hostile environment. I love it. That simply excites me and keep all my attention.

Another reason is that is absolutely necesary for any career area you want to specialize. It is the basis of animal life, and for serving the patient well is necessary to know their behavior.

Our teacher in Animal Behaviour is Rigoberto Solis. The class SVA consist in that the teacher SP SVA speack with slides the matter. Personally, the subjet is really interesting but the teacher SVA do not have the correct way to teach. It is boring and few didactic. And his voice is so low and quiet so I usually fall sleep.

you fall asleep? shame on you!
good luck with this I think it is a very interesting area...