Thursday, June 24, 2010


The Veterinary Medicine is a really beautiful career and I have learned that this career is full of various areas where you can specialize. That is my career and my future work obviously would be something related with the animals live. I am an active person and for that I prefer the action, the move, stay in contact with the animals in the land, in his own habitat and investigate his behavior.

My ideal job would be work in a zoo, founded for me, in another country, maybe Australia, a place for protect to animals almost extinct and exotic animals of the planet, out of the city, in some place full of green areas and high spaces. Would be a place where the people could go and see to animals in her own habitat. Everything would be done according to the real habitat of every animal, every specie. The parent could go with his children and learn together.

This would be a perfect job for me, I am my own boss and many people working with me, animal’s lover, and people willing to give the best for keep safe and preserve this animals.

These persons can be biologists, scientists, veterinary of course, marine biologists, ecologist, etc.

This kind of work made me happy for many reasons. One of this is that I am my own boss, I work with animals and with a lot of intelligent people for care and provide good conditions and a normal habitat to the animals and to the same time the persons would see his behavior and life like it is truly and without interfere. This would be really an awesome work and place for work. This enriching experience would serve me for learn more about animals, and learn from the experiences of other workers.

I hope achieve this dream and make it true. I am working for that.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Favourite Subject

One of the things more interesting for me about the animal is his behaviour, this is essencial for understand his way of life.
My favourite subjet is "Animal Behaviour".

Animal Behavior concerns the study of the distinctive features of a particular group and how they evolve to survive it.
This subject is really interesting, with this studies you can understand every behaviour about every animal, for strangely enough. For me is really atractive analyze the actions in the wild life of animals. His way of reproduction, as they feed, care for their offspring, they adapt and survive against a hostile environment. I love it. That simply excites me and keep all my attention.

Another reason is that is absolutely necesary for any career area you want to specialize. It is the basis of animal life, and for serving the patient well is necessary to know their behavior.

Our teacher in Animal Behaviour is Rigoberto Solis. The class consist in that the teacher speack with slides the matter. Personally, the subjet is really interesting but the teacher do not have the correct way to teach. It is boring and few didactic. And his voice is so low and quiet so I usually fall sleep.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlando, Georgia. He was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin.

King married Coretta Scott, on June 18, 1953. King and Scott had four children.

In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. On the evening of April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated.

King developed a crucial role in the U.S. at the forefront of the movement for civil rights for African Americans and also participated as an activist in numerous protests against the Vietnam War and poverty in general. One example one of this was the December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks, a black woman, was arrested for violating segregation laws of the city of Montgomery to refuse to give up her seat to a white man on a bus, Martin Luther King started a autobuses.

For this activity aimed at ending segregation and racial discrimination through non-violent means, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

This amazing character in the story is universally admired and personally, I think that was a revolutionary who fought for social peace and that helped change the minds of whites. We are all equal in the image of God and he would have the mind to the people of the Apocalypse, repudiating the racist actions and fostering good relations between people of different color. I think he was one of the people who deserved great credit for their noble and righteous thoughts. Started a fight against discrimination, demanding equality and respect.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Veterinary medicine...this is my career. The true is almost that is all for me. Since I born I always wanted share my life with the nature, and specially with the animals. Is just that they are amazing beings that fill the planet and make it beautiful.

My parent always saw the veterinary like a simple profession, and they said me that was better the Human Medicine or something with better remuneration, but I knew that I don´t wanted to do anything more, and until now I don´t regret.Like a future professional person I would like specialize me in exotic animalsto and work in the foreign, maybe in some zoo or an animal protection center. I love my career in spite of all the dream hours lost, the tired, and the strees (sometimes XD), because in the end it is what I want to do all my life.

Now I just hope resist the difficulties and persever until the end.


Thursday, April 29, 2010


hi people! :)
I´m Maria Fernanda Jimenez Fdez. I´m nineteen years old and I live in Santiago of Chile. I´m a normal student of veterinary medicine of University of Chile. I ive with my parents, two brother and one sister.
My normal day is go to University, study, see televition and read. This can sound a little boring but I love my carrear and my friends here. I love the animal, however I don´t have any pet, this a little sad :( .
I love a lot of things, the art is one of my pasion. Gymnastic, dance, draw, read, and some sports are my distractions. I spend my free time go out sharing with my family or with my friends, going to the cinema, bowling, go to dance, etc.